2023 BC Works Communities and Social Performance Report
It’s Made Better by BC Works
We’re proud to call British Columbia home.
BC Works’ operation spans more than 400 km in Northwest B.C., from the aluminium smelter in Kitimat to our hydroelectric assets in the Nechako Watershed. We’re grateful to live and work in the unceded traditional territory of the Haisla, Kitselas, Kitsumkalum and Gitga’at Nations, where our smelter is located in Kitimat; and to the Cheslatta Carrier, Skin Tyee, Nee Tahi Buhn, Saik’uz, Stellat’en and Nadleh Whut’en Nations, where we operate in the Nechako region.

B.C. Contributions

Hover here to show contributions made across B.C.
contributed to the B.C. economy through BC Works
Total Benefits
Employee Compensation
B.C. Supply Chain Expenditure
B.C. & Local Taxes
Community Investments
B.C. Supply Chain Investment
Our People
in annual salaries, benefits and pension payments
![Full Operation[3962] (Medium).JPG](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/62519a_50b34d18929e473ba6cb8af5a788ce76~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_490,h_368,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/62519a_50b34d18929e473ba6cb8af5a788ce76~mv2.jpg)
B.C. employees
Active B.C. Apprenticeships
Active B.C.
Graduate Program Roles Completed
Percentage of Female Workforce

Community Partnerships
in community contributions
BC Works’ Operations and Community Partners

Kitimat Smelter
Kemano Powerhouse
Port Facilities
Kemano – Kitimat Transmission Line
Click on the icon to read more about community partnerships
From Restart to Sustainability: A Success Story

Best in class proprietary AP technology
8.6x less CO2 emission intensive than global average
Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) compliant
The Smelter Restart project involved an essential update to its environmental permit to manage the temporary increase in emissions as operations resumed.
We focused strongly on community and environmental health, incorporating feedback from extensive consultations with stakeholders. To keep the community informed and involved, we introduced a clear, dashboard-style reporting system and increased updates from monthly to weekly. This system tracked the progress of restarting 75% of the smelter’s capacity and closely monitored the impact on air quality and plant health in the surrounding area.
Throughout the restart phase, from May 2022 to October 2023, the project successfully avoided exceeding emission limits for particulates and fluoride through diligent monitoring and the use of key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs proved critical for tracking both smelter operations and the health of the local environment, allowing for quick response to any potential harm. In addition to operational measures, the team placed significant emphasis on monitoring air quality for hydrogen fluoride and particulate matter and assessing the health of local vegetation, particularly looking for signs of fluoride damage. The initiative demonstrated a strong commitment to not just meeting but exceeding regulatory standards, thereby maintaining the health of the local environment and community. By October 2023, we had restored emission limits to their original standards, marking a successful phase of environmentally responsible operations.
How we Monitor and Report on BC Works Operations
Source Emissions

Gas Treatment Centres Continuous Monitors

Visual Inspections

Reduction Roof Vent Boreal Continuous Monitor

Reduction Roof Vent Shuttle System
Receiving Environment

Vegetation Chronic Impact Assessment

Ambient Air Quality Continuous Monitoring

Vegetation Acute Impact Assessment

Ambient Air Quality
Passive Monitoring

BC Works produces sustainable aluminium to the highest internationally recognized standard for responsible environmental, social and governance practices.
377,272 t/y
2023 Aluminium Production
Emissions Management
Note: The increased emissions between 2022 and 2023 is a result of the smelter restart and the resuming of full production in 2023.
*Average emissions reported as 2021 values were not available. However, annual smelter emissions were expected to be significantly lower, due to a halt in operations for a period of five months in 2021.
contributed to environmental initiatives in the Nechako Watershed, including the sturgeon hatchery, tributary restoration and integrated watershed research
5,519 GWh
of renewable energy produced
1,701 GWh
excess energy contributed to the grid
SO2 EEM Program Highlight
We are committed to minimizing the environmental impacts of our operations. Our Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) program, based on an Adaptive Management Approach, ensures extensive monitoring, regular reporting, and measurable actions as needed. This program specifically monitors and reports on sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from our smelter.
Dr. Julian Ahern and Dr. Shaun Watmough and their students from Trent University returned to Kitimat to start two new studies on wetland geochemistry and aluminium solubility in soils. They also re-sampled the two permanent soil sample plots in Kitimat and at Lakelse Lake measure changes in the soil chemistry related to the smelter emissions.

Environmental Partnerships
Kitimat Airshed Group (KAG)
Rio Tinto BC Works holds a seat on the board of directors of the Kitimat Airshed Group (KAG) and served as the Co-Chair in 2023. Last year, we allocated $25,000 to aid with the group's administrative costs and sponsored a study aimed at improving the Kitimat air quality monitoring network. Our participation extended to consultations addressing amendments to air emission-related permits and the sulfur dioxide Environmental Effects Monitoring (SO2 EEM) program. Furthermore, we regularly issue Smelter Bypass and Upset Notifications to KAG, which are then communicated to the group's members.
Learn More about KAG
Water Engagement Initiative (WEI)
WEI is an inclusive, interest-based public engagement process to improve water management in the Nechako River. WEI is led by independent facilitators and supported by technical specialists to address interests and issues related to Rio Tinto's operations spanning the Nechako Reservoir, Skins-Cheslatta-Murray Lake System and the Nechako River.
Together, we are identifying changes to our operations that better reflect a broad range of community interests.
View the latest meeting documents and updates from the WEI main table
Kitimat Public Advisory Committee (KPAC)
Rio Tinto BC Works hosts KPAC meetings quarterly and it is comprised of more than 20 community organizations, including District of Kitimat, Haisla Nation, Unifor 2301, Kitimat Chamber of Commerce and Ministry of Environment. KPAC serves as a source of information on our operations, and conversely, ensures that community voices are heard and considered in our decision making on the environmental performance of the smelter. This group has been meeting for 27 years.
Your voice matters!
Be a part of KPAC by emailing: bcworksinfo@riotinto.com